Ciara | “Slo Girl” Video Pulled

So Ciara’s wack ass video finally came out and then it disappeared. You would think they would want to get all the promotion they can behind her project, seeing her boyfriend moved up his release date (the same day as her) for Before I Self Destruct… but apparently not.

First the racy Vibe pic fiasco, then the C&D over the video pics and now this. We’ll refrain from scouring the Internet to find another version of “Slo Girl” cause we were reticent about posting the shit in the first place.  

This chick is incredible. There seems no end to the amount of people she’ll bite and this time it’s Rihanna… you’ll see. We need to develop a category for all that is wack and let her spearhead it.

The GAME VS Bow Wow?!

The Sequel
FACEOFF: The Sequel

Madden Mania

Let’s keep it real. I don’t play video games… haven’t done so since Street Fighter and can’t really see myself getting back into it anytime soon (save for somebody buys me a Wii… that shit is damn near incredible!). But who could ignore the epic battle to be between The GAME and Bow Wow? It all started at the Universal Music Group offices in Marietta, GA, where The GAME made himself and his album LAX (which we will have an exclusive review of by the day it drops) available to a select group of media friends, including yours truly. Continue reading